Tuesday, December 12, 2006
The horror that is Lindsay Lohans Head

I will never understand what people find so attractive about this chick. Her head is shaped like an apple, I mean look at it, it makes you want to just go and bake some pies. Its just to round with high cheeks bones, yet you people all went out to see "Herbie" which by far is the Shakespearen piece of her work. And not to mention this is how she smiles in every single picture. But she can do whatever she wants with all those Herbie DVDs you have hidden in your dressers. I just hope she never gets a job at Glamour Shots in the mall. And now she's hanging out with Paris Hilton, who looks kinda like a Collie. They should be called Delmonte and Lassie. Okay that was best impersonation of any, comedian on Late Night At The Apollo.