Tuesday, December 12, 2006
The Delusional Years: The Girlfriends Fat Friend

Before it could get ugly I must state fat is an adjective, not a slur. Its a description of being how should you say more then overweight. And the description is only used in the context to help develop a psychological aura for the description of the character.
Once upon a time in the land of 10 yrs. ago, I was a college student working in a convience store. One of my co-workers was a rather obese chick, about 5-5, 280 lbs. But this didn't make her ugly, her disposition did. I ended up being the token guy at work she liked, which developed into her having a crush on me, being the only positive male in her life. However, she recruited one of her friends to try to get me to open up to find out if I had feelings for her, the large chick Mary. Her friend was very cute and in a couple of weeks, she developed a crush on me, and we started dating. The round chick Mary was okay with this. However, this is when
Slowly but surely to cover up her failed oppertunity at love with me Mary started telling stories. These were no ordinary stories, but stories of her past relationships. You see due to Mary's size and disposition, which was very cold and cruel she never had a boyfriend so she created boyfriends. Her friend told me in highschool Mary use to claim her boyfriend was over, so the friend would try to sneak over, and low and behold no one was ever there. Mary didn't even have any pictures of her boyfriend. When she felt uncomfortable about me and her best friends love life she told fascinating tales of her imaginary love life. Mary told us her first time, was with her boyfriend in the woods on the back of a 4 wheeler. We really tried not to laugh. There is no way physics and gravity could make that possibly for anyone let alone, someone her size. But this was her claim to fame. For fantasy it was really pumping on a dry well. That setting is the kind that would get Danielle Steel or any romance novel writer fired. But this is all she could come up with in her mind. So she gets the delusional award of 25lbs of sausage, and a gallon of macaroni. I never really saw Mary again, after 1997, she seemed to spend time trying to break me and her friend up(out of jealously and under the belief I started a rumor about her criminal record at our job after I quit), and ultimately would help her friend cheat on me, and 2 other boyfriends down the road. Which goes to oppose the t-shirt about fat people being able to lose weight, but ugly people will always be ugly. She was messed up either way.