Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Boy Meets Wo.....nder Years...

Yes the Savage Brothers, Ben and Fred. Fred was the emmy award winning Kevin Arnold from "The Wonder Years". He stayed in the lime light for 5 seasons and 2 bad movies, appearing in the late 90s in the show "Work" and thats about all for him. Ben is his less talented brother whose hair resembles pubic hair starred in "Boy Meets World", a quirky little comedy that really ruined itself by following the characters grow up go to school, and get married formula.
Its light hearted approach was later ruined in its final 2 seasons covering more serious topics. But throughout the ages, it has often been debated as to who was the luckier brother. While Fred was more critical acclaimed playing a stuck up prick on The Wonder Years didn't exactly broaden his character. However, he did get to date Winnie Cooper(Danica Mckellar)who was the worst Tv girlfriend of all time. Her character came off as kinda cold and thoughtless, ditching her friends for popularity, cheating on Kevin in the final episode. Ben got to date a chick with the dumbest name of all time Topanga. Though some what attractive, she came off as goofy and kind of weird. Its rumored today shes working at a Bloomingsdale, while Winnie is actually a math professor, and has a math thereom named after her.
Danielle(Topanga) actually dated Lance Bass and had no idea he was gay, talk about good actors. Kinda close to call on this one... not really
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I guess that's what america is all about.....blogging and commenting on such useless information as ben savage's the "pubic hair" that's on his head or beyonce's weave.
must be intelligent if that's all you have think about.
must be intelligent if that's all you have think about.
And your so busy in your life that you post a note at a forum a website to have it's members "flame me?"
I'm sure people enjoy your website and its humour. God bless them and America's gift to the freedom of speech. While most people are writing book reviews, "blogging," or doing other sorts of intellectual things, you post stuff about Ben Savage's pubic hair head. You must be real proud! Thoughts like that are usually on my mind.
Yeah, perhaps I'm judgmental. Perhaps my life is mundane....spending my time talking about reviews or what people say about me. But at least I have more to talk about than such mudane things as listed on your website.
Look at your website? Blogging about fat people, ben savage's pubic hair head, or lindsay's apple head....doesn't get much more judgmental than that.
God Bless to you, too
I'm sure people enjoy your website and its humour. God bless them and America's gift to the freedom of speech. While most people are writing book reviews, "blogging," or doing other sorts of intellectual things, you post stuff about Ben Savage's pubic hair head. You must be real proud! Thoughts like that are usually on my mind.
Yeah, perhaps I'm judgmental. Perhaps my life is mundane....spending my time talking about reviews or what people say about me. But at least I have more to talk about than such mudane things as listed on your website.
Look at your website? Blogging about fat people, ben savage's pubic hair head, or lindsay's apple head....doesn't get much more judgmental than that.
God Bless to you, too
Dear Mike,
When you link your profile email info to a self help mutalation site, and a christian website you act as an agent to that site. That is listed as your forwarding adress or, if you will your primary location of business and public affairs. You see Mike what I do is firmly established in the constitution you really need to read into celebrity status, and the public eye. What you do is loosely an attempt at slander and hate speech which is not a first ammendment right.(yes legal is my business). I'm sorry you think I flamed you infront of strangers, no flaming I pasted everything you wrote verbatim. However, Mike you came to a site that is frequented by my family and friends to humilate me on 2 separate occassions. So I guess thats purposely acceptable huh? according to your flame rules right, you pennacle of justice you. It really disturbs me greatily that you have this desire to help others mike to advocate and increases awareness yet you can't seem to see you purposely tried to harm my character and assault my feelings and sense of conscience. I wanted to settle everything much in the terms of this note, but you have no real forum do you. As for my ramblings not being intellectual, I feel character truly supercedes what can be inked or typed. I wish I had your keen sense of selective perception, where I can build a whole personality based on what I read on someones really subpar cookie cutter blog. I guess you don't seem to get it Mike your the reason people have self help groups, and seek religion on the net. You glorify yourself a saviour a defender of justice and morals but you just due more harm then good.
No most blogs aren't book reviews, most are journals of self worship, or just random photos. I would like to get an emotion or response... like with you,,, a simple you suck, would have been okay with me. But to crucify my character based on my lame little articles... grow up.
Now ,,,, I hope you enjoy trying to respond to this...I'm taking the Mike you can't find me plan.
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When you link your profile email info to a self help mutalation site, and a christian website you act as an agent to that site. That is listed as your forwarding adress or, if you will your primary location of business and public affairs. You see Mike what I do is firmly established in the constitution you really need to read into celebrity status, and the public eye. What you do is loosely an attempt at slander and hate speech which is not a first ammendment right.(yes legal is my business). I'm sorry you think I flamed you infront of strangers, no flaming I pasted everything you wrote verbatim. However, Mike you came to a site that is frequented by my family and friends to humilate me on 2 separate occassions. So I guess thats purposely acceptable huh? according to your flame rules right, you pennacle of justice you. It really disturbs me greatily that you have this desire to help others mike to advocate and increases awareness yet you can't seem to see you purposely tried to harm my character and assault my feelings and sense of conscience. I wanted to settle everything much in the terms of this note, but you have no real forum do you. As for my ramblings not being intellectual, I feel character truly supercedes what can be inked or typed. I wish I had your keen sense of selective perception, where I can build a whole personality based on what I read on someones really subpar cookie cutter blog. I guess you don't seem to get it Mike your the reason people have self help groups, and seek religion on the net. You glorify yourself a saviour a defender of justice and morals but you just due more harm then good.
No most blogs aren't book reviews, most are journals of self worship, or just random photos. I would like to get an emotion or response... like with you,,, a simple you suck, would have been okay with me. But to crucify my character based on my lame little articles... grow up.
Now ,,,, I hope you enjoy trying to respond to this...I'm taking the Mike you can't find me plan.
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