Friday, May 05, 2006
Fear Factor.. another reason to hate Americans

Yes, I'm American and the sadness of reality tv shows really amaze me. And this turd of a show has been on for a few years now. Fear Factor is a show that puts people in phsyical, mind blowing, and sometimes life threatening challenges. Swimming with alligators, jumping through fire with cars, having a blonde chick in a southern town date a foriegn guy.... just crazy dangerous stuff. But then there is the stupid stuff. Like host Joe Rogan, Joe was originally on the classic show "News Radio" and did a horrible stint on "The Man Show", however Joe doesn't come across as a pathetic fantasy dwelling loser so the "The Man Show" was cancelled. Joe puts them through the weird challenges to decide if "fear is a factor", gag..... The weird stuff like eating a sausage made out of worms. To me this has nothing to do with fear. Its funny at night I never look in my closet to see if a sausage made out of worms is in there, trying to get me. Or the season finale a few years back was to drink a rat smoothie. Once again, when the phone rings late at night and someone breathes in it and just hangs up, I don't say, "Oh my god... I hope its not a rat smoothie stalking me." yeah. This has nothing to do with fear just stupidity.
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Dude, Joe Rogan kicks ass. Did you see that clip where some bitch on the show starts punching this guy, and Rogan steps in and tells her to behave and stop hitting the other contestants? Then this other chump, who obviously wants to fuck the chick, starts defending her and even pick a fight with Rogan. Needless to say, Rogan owns that retard with a keylock or some sweet ninja tactics. Rogan rules, and by extention so does Fear Factor. I'm scandinavian btw.
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