Friday, May 05, 2006


Daddy Never Sleeps At Nite...

Hello everyone... er Buenos Dias to my Mayan friends who think of me as the sun god.
This is my blog, about a bunch of useless tasteless news that doesn't concern anyones world except the people whose world this is. Unless your the mole people. I try to update 2-3 times a week but didn't happen this past week. You see I started going to school online to finish up my education. That and you guys don't pay me to do this. But feel free to make donations to .... hahahahah right.
The theme,,, is poison, the band, your mind, and stuff to kill ants. Hope you enjoy this offering.

Well... I saw your comment on my blog... now I will ask you how did you find my blog?
Yahoo Messenger ID: earth_leviathan
I find your blogs by hitting the next blog button, our blogs have something in common as we both share a love for giant space robots.
I only love giant space robots if they have large Heads. Take that as you may.
Wow the love of giant space robots spreads like a wild fire!!!!

Robots with giant heads can be sexy I know thats how hollywood has conditioned us to percieve giant space robots.



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hey everyone look at tracey she has a degree in religion and psychology.. and found the phrase "a poor coverband lives in my head also", i wrote that cos her blog name is Inside Traceys Mind. As sarcasm... and then wrote that dirty profane message. Contrats to getting the most out of college Tracey... I really dig them religious quotes on your site...

And once again.. thanks for the profanity... its not like a kid will ever see this site.. u role model.
stuff to kill ants, I want a review of the very BEST!
Personally I like to kill ants by locking them in a room with a truck that is ready to explode in 10min, then I chain one of there legs to the truck... but then i give them a saw, a saw that would take 11 mins to gut through the chain but only 9 to saw through the leg.
I'm sorry, my english is very bad,rsrsrs...Where's you from?
Hello dora, im from texas,,,, and shaula yes im very famous in the latin world....
Have you been watching the Sureal Life? YOu can see C.C. there, all grown up and still battleling his alcoholism. Do you think the tour will be bad for his rehab attemp?

Yes, I think it will be bad,he allegdely clean his act up before each of the tours the last 7 yrs. I guess it comes with him accepting poison will always be able to fill 10,000 seats venues by playing there hits, but they will never be the limelight hogs they once were. Brett accepted it, he's in it for fun, not trying to reprove himself.
He's actually responding to the comments other people leave him.
or im really good and create 20 fake identities to respond to my own messages... and this blog isn't actually online, its something im writing in a spiral note book i keep underneath my bed.
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