Friday, April 21, 2006


Totally Random Video Clip....Sausage!?

Its one thing, when someone makes a stupid video and post it on the net, its another thing when people try to copy it, and get less sincere results. This one is the original. The sausage video.....this is one of those things that aren't funny the first time you watch it, but it makes you think. Much like the ending of Silent Hill you discover the Mom, Daughter, and Cop died in a car accident in the beginning, and the anticlimactic ending is, they can never go home. Well this video is about a bunch of girls who like to say "sausage" over and over again in an english accent. Just like in the Loverboy classic, "Girls who like to say Sausage over and over love". And then go online to see how poorly this was ripped off.

Years from now on Thanksgiving this will be shown instead of "The Wizard of Oz"

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