Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Stupid Pun Headline:NO DOUBT, she's pregnant
HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHA!!!!! IM SO CLEVER WITH MY PUNS....clever like all those guys who still tell other peoples girlfriends that they have pretty eyes. Anyways, Gwen Stefani is pregnant. Her and her husband Gavin Rossdale lead singer of Bush, are expecting a little girl. It must be hell being a washed up rock star(he is) being married to multi-platinum Gwen. There arguments would be like Gavin: "I don't need your money!!!! I have my own." Gwen:"Yeah right those 7 million copies of 16 stone you sold 10 yrs. ago have you set for life.(insane laugher)" Gavin:"That's it im taking my jet and going home." Gwen:"Good and while your on that jet suck this in 
were not naming the kid Glycerine." Ahhh Yes, good times...

were not naming the kid Glycerine." Ahhh Yes, good times...