Sunday, April 16, 2006
Missunderstood Pimps....Col. Sanders

This is a section were I will examine missunderstood sex symbols from era's past. And the first member of the MP Class of 06 is Col. Sanders. Col. Harland Sanders was born in 1890. He made his mark in the fried chicken world at the tender and crispy age of 65.(Pun Warning) He later sold his shares of KFC for $2million in 1965 and decided to stay on as a spokesman for the company. But there was another side to "The Colonel", thats right the pimp side. As you can see in this recently exposed photo "The Col." was big with the ladies. He was always decked out in his white ice cream man tux, brim glasses, and the pimpest accessory of all the "cane". Always a player taunting all with his secret blend of herbs...(think about it) and spices. Oh Col., the secret life you lived. If we could all live vicariously through you. You and your "Original Recipe" for pimp'n.
RIP brother
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Come on... I know you ladies find Col. Sanders attractive.... I bet you guys use to save those sporks with his head on the top and pretend like they were marrying your barbie.
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