Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Forget about those Illegal Aliens taking your jobs, worry about this...
I know its written somewhere in Revelations about "Be weary of the madagascar hissing cockroach, for he will pave the streets with blood strewn across by his mighty chariot." NO WAIT.... THATS THE BOOK OF MORMON....... HHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!! None the less this is a sign of the apocalypse. Apparenitly some engineer wannabes, fashioned a mobile device that allows a cockroach to drive somewhat of a remote control stroller type device. The device is built around a track ball the roach crawls on, centering his gravity so he's more or less like on a hamster wheel. The funny thing about this clip is the roach seems to be trying to getting away from his captors with this new technology he has found. Still a waste of technology. Trust me... we are just a step away from roach dui's. But yet a tear comes to my eye thinking a youngmans childhood fantasy of transportation for cockroaches, is now reality. Now if I could just make that wooden indian come to life.
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I can see this guy staring up at the ceiling wonder what he should invent or discover today. A pill that cures cancer, or a mobilization device for hissing cockroaches. So he flips a coin.
Okay anonymous you must have no understanding of english what so ever, no where in there is a slam against indians.
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